Spotlight #07

Another uncertain Monday and with potential lockdown in the air no one knows what today might bring. Except for one thing – your weekly Spotlight was just published!

This Week's Curated Articles

What Is An Independent Film Producer? - Raindance

When we were younger ("so much younger than today" - sorry, couldn't miss this one, now it'll be in our heads for the whole day), I imagined (ok, I give it a miss here) producer as a person, who mostly handles money and wears a suit – and is kinda boring.

But the truth is quite the opposite – usually, the producer must be a creative person and there is so much more behind this profession than most of the people realize. Producers do not exist just to simply fulfil the director's dream. They have to work together as a team to create the best film possible.

And as a producer, you will spend so much more time on a project then you plan initially, so trust me on this one – pick your director carefully.

What Is An Independent Film Producer? - Raindance
An independent film producer makes their films outside the film industry. They have to wear many differnt hats. Find out what a film producer does.

Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Became an Independent Film Producer

Speaking about directors, their moving up in the industry has a different set of rules than producers'. What does it mean to be an independent producer, volume II, and how to move up in the industry, this time with a touch of reality.

Warning: some dreams might get crushed after reading this one.

Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Became an Independent Film Producer
I wish I could email my 20-year-old self and give her a heads-up about the struggles that she’s going to face in her career. I can’t do that so instead I’m writing this to all the producers just starting out so that they can go down this path more equipped than I was.

A Study of Unreliable Narrators Throughout Film History

David Fincher's Fight Club or Gone Girl, Robert Zemeckis' Forrest Gump – those films have in common (at least) one thing – an unreliable narrator. A person, who you might trust in the beginning and he might be very sympathetic, but you slowly reveal that not everything stated by him must be actually true. This type of protagonist could be a really interesting choice because by shaking the viewer's reality and his trustfulness, the audience stays tensed until the very end.

A Study of Unreliable Narrators Throughout Film History
Exploring the deceitful history of unreliable narration in film, and how you can use it to subvert audience expectations in your projects.

The Essential Value of Screen Tests & Why You Should Do Them

Even though the lockdown seems to be just around the corner (we should know by the evening which corner it is), film productions are still on and they need to accommodate to the current situation.

One of them is organizing a casting. It's starting to be more and more common to ask in the first round for a self-tape, but screen test is the (final) step you should not underestimate. Not for nothing they say that a live, theatre performance is totally different kind of acting that the on-camera one.

The Essential Value of Screen Tests & Why You Should Do Them
A screen test is a filmed audition in which an actor demonstrates their suitability for a role in a film or television show.

From the Archives

What's Hollywood Going to Look Like When This is Over?

Covid pandemic is causing some hard times to most of the businesses, but one of the most harmed areas is the culture, of course. How the Hollywood will look like after the apocalypse is gone, what will change forever and what will remain? Get to the heart of the matter.

What’s Hollywood Going to Look Like When This is Over?
This will all end, but what will Hollywood look like when we get there?

Festival Window

Ji.hlava IDFF | Moving to digital asylum

We all expected it, we all hoped it won't happen, but it did. International Documentary Film Festival Ji.hlava is going online. The team tried till the last breath to keep it live, but the situation is not allowing it. So, let's cheer them up online at least!

Ji.hlava IDFF | Moving to digital asylum
Moving to digital asylum

This Week's Recommendation

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | Official Trailer | Netflix

I bet all of you know David Attenborough, or at least his voice from his collab with BBC for almost 60 years. He is not just a director, screenwriter and broadcaster, but also a respected natural historian. And now he started to beat a retreat because of the massive changes that are tremendously endangering our planet Earth.

Trailer of the Week

Free Guy Trailer 2

Events of past weeks were, to say it nicely, a little bit bleak. And our trailers were not exactly positive if we remember correctly. So we thought "How about showing something nice, funny, almost relaxing?" – emphasis on "almost". And let's be honest – who doesn't like Ryan Reynolds?