Spotlight #15 – The Future, the Past & Breakthroughs

We're in our last month of one of the probably longest years ever, but that doesn't mean we're slowing down. And even though the situation is unprecedented, unpredictable and tough, we still can see the progress this year brought and some positive highlights in our community.

This Week's Bullets

This Week's Curated Articles

4 Lessons on Being a First-Time Director from a First-Time Director

Are you secretly dreaming about starting a career as a director, but you don’t have the guts? Well, Eric Schultz demonstrates that if you have the courage and determination, that's the biggest part of the job. And no matter if you are or are not the expert on directing, it is sufficient for the first step to be the expert on your own movie.

4 Lessons on Being a First-Time Director from a First-Time Director
I didn’t go to film school.

The 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century (So Far)

Let's confess, how many times did you watch a movie and said to yourself: "Oh my, have I ever seen a better actor?" For me (Pavel), it's not that common, but it happened a few times. New York Times critics A. O. Scott and Manohla Dargis got together to pick their top 25 actors of 21st century. Take a look, maybe you'll find your top in there.

The 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century (So Far)
Chameleons or beauties, star turns or character roles — these are the performers who have outshone all others on the big screen in the last 20 years.

And to support this acting topic, we serve you an article with the 23 best breakthrough performances of 2020 by IndieWire. We hope you’ll find inspiration for long winter's nights.

The 23 Best Breakthrough Performances of 2020
From rising stars earning their first big break to known quantities doing something entirely new, this year was a bonanza of fresh talents on screens large and small.

How to Approach Passion Projects & Personal Screenplays: Advice from a BAFTA Nominated Producer

Nick Taussig is a writer, screenwriter and a BAFTA-nominated film producer (for example Stardust, Chasing Perfect or Churchill). Since he's quite a renaissance author, he talks, besides other topics, how his producer’s experience influences his writing and vice versa and also why it is good to keep in mind the production process from the beginning (approves 3/3 Spotlighters).

How to Approach Passion Projects & Personal Screenplays: Advice from a BAFTA Nominated Producer - ScreenCraft
Wrtier, producer, and ScreenCraft Film Fund winner, Nick Taussig shares his advice for writing and producing your personal screenplay

HBO Max: Warner Bros. Chose Its Future, Theaters Want to Pretend It Didn't Happen

We don't think that anybody anticipated such move from WB. Instead of going for maximizing profits from theatrical release, WB is looking to elevate their HBO Max platform to the level of Disney+ or Netflix. Let's say that not everyone is thrilled about it (talking about AMC, or some directors).

What needs to be mentioned is that this decision still might change, but it sure shows which direction are studios considering. Streaming is not going anywhere and it's about time we accepted that.

HBO Max: Warner Bros. Chose Its Future, Theaters Want to Pretend It Didn’t Happen
Going forward, studio branding matters most. If that works for theaters, great; if not, it’s out of their hands.

Awards & Festival Window

How to Nail Your Festival Premiere in the Time of COVID

We were already conspiring in previous newsletters how the festivals are accommodating to the current situation. Well, if you're thinking about what you should do with your new movie, here are some collected tips about what works for the creative premiere and what does not. And by the way, Sundance will be creative this year, too.

How to Nail Your Festival Premiere in the Time of COVID
Thinking about launching your film into the world? Here’s what’s working—and what isn’t—at film festivals right now.

This Week's Recommendation

The Best TV Scores of 2020

Music is one of the biggest emotional triggers you can have in the film, and if 2020 had something to offer, it was a great year for music composers – we finally see filmmakers are giving opportunities to new names in a bigger scale than before. Just take a moment to think about some of your favourite TV shows (or movies), and I bet you can hear the atmosphere that comes with it. IndieWire took it upon themselves to choose top 10 scores from the last year. Let us know which one you loved!

The Best TV Scores of 2020
Amidst a treasure trove of options, here are our picks for 10 of the year’s most memorable collections of original music.

Trailer of the Week

Music, a film by Sia - coming in early 2021

Sia's directorial debut is coming to screen in February 2021. After publishing a trailer, she experienced a backlash from the autistic community (as the film centers around an autistic girl) about not representing them accurately, about being offensive that a non-autistic actors plays such character and so on. Sia defended her choices quite fiercely on Twitter. How about we wait for the movie and judge afterwards, or what do you say?